Project Requests

Any request that does not specifically deal with the maintenance or repair of an existing condition is a project request – a request for something new. Project requests can be submitted to plant services using the Project Request Form.

The Project Request Form must be fully completed, providing a rationale consistent with the university’s mission, specific location, scope of work, and timing as to when it needs to be completed. The signatures of the appropriate academic dean or department head, and building monitor, are required.

All project requests will be reviewed by the Space and Project Committee (SPC) to establish adherence to the university’s mission statement, priority (as compared to all projects submitted campus wide), and funding.

The Space and Project Committee meets monthly between September and March, or more frequently as needed. Anything submitted after March 1 will not be considered until September of that year.

The Space and Project Committee will inform the requestor if their project is approved, deferred or denied.

Project Approval Process and Policy

Do I have a Maintenance Request or a Project Request?