Campus Public Safety Policies

Prevent and Report Crime

The key to a safe university begins with everyone educating themselves, taking precautions and becoming aware of prevention methods. At ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox, the Campus Public Safety office, staff, faculty and students continue to work together and take responsibility for their own safety and are ready to assist others in time of need. This strategy is effective and it works.

Most incidents on campus can be avoided if we recognize we are potential victims and take basic precautions such as walking in pairs when out at night or high-risk periods, locking offices and car doors, and not leaving personal valuables unattended. Campus Public Safety is always available to meet with individuals, groups, clubs, etc., to discuss safety, crime-prevention methods and related issues.

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox encourages the reporting of all crimes you witness or have information about, even minor crimes, incidents, and/or suspicious activity. It is your observation and willingness to help that make a difference. Campus Public Safety views a false alarm much more valuable than missing a real crime because someone didn't think it was important to report. We need your help. If we don't know or aren't informed about crime, we can't inform the university community and shift our resources and/or patrols to high-risk areas.

Please Report All Crimes: There is no charge to dial 911

Report suspicious activities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by calling ext. 2090 from a campus phone or 503-554-2090 from any other phone.

To Report a Crime

To report a crime or an emergency, members of the campus community should call the Newberg Police Department at 911. When 911 is dialed on campus, from a campus phone, Campus Public Safety is simultaneously signaled and will confirm the emergency by return call. If 911 is called from a cell phone, Campus Public Safety must be called, as the call does not simultaneously signal Campus Public Safety.

Phones: In the event you do not have immediate access to an office phone, several phones are located around campus. There are phones located in the lobbies of the residence halls.

Emergency Phones: These phones are call boxes and are located in the Le Shana/Wheeler, Lewis Apartments, Roberts Center, and Bauman/Stoffer parking lots, as well as in the South Canyon by the Pavilion.

Pay Phones: There are pay phones outside of Bauman.

Report the following activities:

Remember, Campus Public Safety cannot be everywhere at once and they depend on individuals in the community to assist in crime prevention by reporting suspicious activities. 

How to describe a Suspect and Automobile

Try to note the following characteristics of suspicious persons and automobiles and report these to Campus Public Safety:



Building Safety

Unauthorized entry to, or use of, the university facilities, including buildings and grounds, is prohibited. Each building on campus property has a designated building monitor. Use of any building and/or access for special use during non-business hours requires the building monitor's approval. Both Event Services and Campus Public Safety have a list of current building monitors.

Building Access

All students living in university-owned housing are issued keys to their specific residences. This allows students easy access to their residence while maintaining building security.

Residence halls and student housing are not open to the public. Access to housing can be obtained only through the presence of a sponsoring resident. Residence halls are locked at all times. Campus Public Safety routinely checks all residence hall entry doors to make sure they are locked. Students living in campus-owned apartments or houses are responsible for securing their own residences. Do not prop or block doors open.

Access to academic buildings and classrooms is made possible only by authorized personnel or the building monitors for after-hours access.


Members of the university community are issued, through Plant Services, keys to help access their place of business on campus. If an issued key is lost, misplaced, or stolen, you are required to report it to Campus Public Safety (503-554-2090) and Plant Services (503-554-2010) immediately. This is for everyone's safety. University keys may not be duplicated, transferred, or loaned to others and should be regarded as the highest level of university-wide security. Report all key issues immediately.


Report solicitors in the residence halls to Campus Public Safety (503-554-2090). Although student groups are permitted to go door-to-door in the residence halls, solicitation is not allowed by people not associated with ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox. If a solicitor or any suspicious-looking person approaches you in the halls, jot down a description and call 503-554-2090 immediately. Do not confront the person.

Timely Warnings

Current information pertaining to security/safety issues will be posted in The Daily Bruin announcements. Students and staff are encouraged to subscribe to The Daily Bruin and check their email daily to be informed of campus happenings and news. "Timely notices" will pertain to suspected or continuing activity that is considered potentially harmful.

Tobacco-Free Campus Initiative

Tobacco free campus signºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University prohibits all forms of tobacco use everywhere on campus as well as off-campus by employees and traditional undergraduate students. The policy applies to ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox's residential campus in Newberg, Oregon, and its Portland Center in Portland, Oregon.

Firearms, Munitions, Explosives

Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms, fireworks, ammunition, explosives, chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on university property or at university-sponsored or supervised activities, except as expressly authorized by law or university regulation, are prohibited. Professional law enforcement officers are the only persons permitted to possess firearms while on campus. Concealed weapons are prohibited. Pepper spray in amounts of 1.5 oz or less may be carried for personal protection.Â